Thursday, August 31, 2023

CAES Info.


Carrollton Elementary School



14440 New Towne Haven Ln Carrollton
Carrollton, VA 23314



(757) 357-8850



(757) 238-2536


Principal- Mr. Brennan

Assistant Principal- Ms. Toth


Kindergarten teacher-

Mrs. Heidi Luong

Instructional Assistant-

Mrs. Tolle

Room 107


Contact info:

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

About Me

 Mrs. Heidi Luong


I was born in Virginia; however, since my father was in the Navy we moved around a lot before coming back to Virginia where he retired. I grew up in Chesapeake, Virginia and graduated from Old Dominion University. While there, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Education and received a PreK-3 Elementary Licensure. After I graduated, I started teaching at Portsmouth Public Schools for 12 years. This is my 9th year teaching at Carrollton Elementary. I have a wonderful husband and we just celebrated 18 years of marriage this year. We have two daughters, who also attend Isle of Wight Public Schools. 

Favorite Colors: Pink and Teal 

Favorite Movies: The Fifth Element, The Labyrinth, and anything Disney 

Things I love: My family, reading books, and getting a pedicure 

Favorite places to travel to: Disney World, Outer Banks, Washington, D.C. 

Favorite place to shop: Barnes & Nobles and Target 

Favorite places to eat: Chick-fil-A, Taste of Smithfield, and Mellow Mushroom

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Mrs. Luong's Schedule

LUONG Schedule- Room 107



Developmental Centers



Morning Meeting






Language Arts



Recess #1



FLY Time






Reading Small Group









Recess #2












Debrief and Read Aloud

*Wednesday PLC 2:15-3:30 pm* ←ENCORE will be during this time on Wednesday

Luong- Encore Rotation:







Monday, August 28, 2023

Student Absence Information

From the Family FAQ_CAES_2023-2024:

Absences are tracked by the division and reported to the Virginia Department of Education. It is imperative that our students are in regular, timely attendance, therefore, documentation about absences, truancy, tardiness, and early sign-outs is maintained in the student’s record.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

ABCs of Kindergarten

Hello and welcome to Kindergarten!  I am sure you have many questions and I hope this guide will answer many of them.


A is for… "All About My Day"

Your child will receive a monthly calendar that will be kept in their homework folder.  Each day I will put a sticker or write a note to let you know what kind of day your child has had.  If you have a brief note or question to me you are welcome to write it on the calendar or contact me through email or phone.  Any afternoon transportation changes can be written on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the calendar or emailed to me, so I can send that information to the office. 


B is for… Birthdays

Birthdays are celebrated as a class by singing a happy birthday song and recognizing the student’s special day.  Outside snacks can now be brought in for birthdays. This includes treat bags or cupcakes. If you plan on sending something in, please give me more than 24 hours' notice. That way I can let the office know of your upcoming arrival for when you drop off your items. Here are other ways to honor your child on his/her birthday:


-Donate a book to the class in her name (we will read it together!)

-Donate a something from the class Amazon Wishlist.

-Bring in small goody bags that contain prizes (no candy/food).


C is for… Communication

Feel free to contact me through our school’s phone number (757) 357-8850; my school email (, or notes sent in your child’s daily folder.  I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.


D is for…  Donations

There will be times throughout the year I will ask for donations.  These will be items that will help our class as a whole and expand their hands-on experiences.  Supplies can become very expensive when I am purchasing them by myself so I am very grateful for your help. 


In the meantime, here are some supplies that we are always in need of.  If you happen to be out and about and pick up these items or have them around the house we would sure appreciate it!


·      paper plates (white, uncoated)

·      stickers

·      supplies for the treasure box (small toys)

·      sidewalk chalk

·      play-dough

·      Qtips (used for painting)

·      post it notes

·      cotton balls


E is for…  Excited

I am excited to have your child in my classroom and for us to work together this school year!


F is for…  Field Trip time!

We love having field trips in Kindergarten- whether they are in-house or going somewhere different! Chaperones are welcomed and encouraged on field trips.  If chaperones are present, students have a more individualized and personal experience.


G is for…  Gym/PE

Our class will attend Gym/PE and when it’s our turn to go.  Students will attend PE once every 7 days.  Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes or sneakers on these days.    


H is for… Homework

This year there will not be formal assigned homework.  Instead, I ask you to please make every effort to read to or with your child every night. 


I is for… Independence

I expect a certain amount of independence from students so please allow them to practice their independence at home too.  Kindergarten students should practice tying shoes, zipping zippers, buttoning buttons, and bringing backpacks & agendas to and from school. As the year goes on, you will be amazed at the things your child can do on their own!  


J is for…  Journals

We will be writing in our writing journals that will be used throughout the year.  Please encourage your child to write as much as possible at home to boost these skills they will be practicing at school.  Kindergarten students are not expected to spell words correctly, but to “write for sound.”  I had an exciting day may be written---I had an xiting da. 


K is for…  Kindergarten is Not What it Used to be

Although there will be opportunities for play and socializing, we also have a very rigorous academic day.  Kindergarten students will be learning to read and write as well as many math skills including counting to 100, adding and subtracting.  These are skills your child will need to ensure that she is ready for 1st grade.


L is for…  Lunch

Students will have the option of bringing a packed lunch or purchasing lunch from the cafeteria.  The students have many different options for lunch in the cafeteria, and more information, as well as menus can be found on our school website,  While I encourage students to make healthy choices, and eat their lunch at lunch time, it is important for you to reinforce these concepts at home.  If you prefer your child eat his sandwich before his cookie, that is something you should be telling him before he goes to school.  I am eating lunch at this time also, and I am not always able to make sure that 24 students are doing what their parents have asked them to.  If your child will be buying lunch in the cafeteria, you have the option of paying for the lunch by using the website This allows you to deposit money in your child’s lunch account using a check or credit/debit card.  There is a small convenience fee for the service.  With an upgraded account you can see what your child has spent money on and how much is left in his account. 


My class will be participating in snack.  If you would like for your child to eat one snack during that designated time, please send something extra in their lunch box or backpack.  Snacks can be things like: chips, crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars, apples, bananas, cookies, etc.  I would prefer nothing “wet” or that would need a spoon.  For example: yogurt tubes, jello, applesauce, pudding, etc. since this can be a bit messier to eat within the classroom. Students can either eat breakfast at home or purchase a breakfast and eat in the school’s cafeteria.


M is for…  Math

In math this year, your child will be exploring patterns, shapes and fractions.  They will learn to sort objects by various attributes.  They will be counting in many different ways, including backwards, forwards and skip counting.  They will be collecting data, creating graphs and tally charts.  They will be measuring and learning about the tools used to measure. They will even be adding and subtracting.  Some of these concepts will be new for your child. And some may be reviews of concepts they already know.  It is still important to make sure that each child has a firm grasp of the information presented and is able to show me that he or she understands what has been taught. 


N is for…  Nurse

We have a wonderful school nurse, Ms. Cowan.  She will be your partner in making sure that your child is healthy and safe while at school.  If you have any questions or information for her, you can call her or email her (  If there is any health-related information that I should know about your child, please let me know as well since I will be spending the majority of the day with your child.  No medications may be brought to school by the child (including cough drops, lotion, first aid cream, etc.).  If your child needs to receive medication while at school, please discuss this with Ms. Cowan in advance. 


O is for… Outside

We have a 30-minute recess time each day.  If at all possible, our recess time will be spent outside.  Unless temperatures are below 32 degrees or weather conditions are unsafe, we will be on the playground running, jumping, playing and learning to share and get along with others.  Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather each day. 


P is for…  prepare for anything

Please have an extra set of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.  This bag will remain in their backpack and can be used when accidents occur...spilling juice, falling in mud while outside, or not making it to the bathroom in time.  Anything can happen in kindergarten and it helps to be prepared.


Q is for…  Questions

I am here to help you and your child with the transition to kindergarten.  If you have any specific questions about your child, please feel free to ask.  I am happy to answer your question. 


R is for…  Red Folder

A red folder will come home with your child every day.  This is their daily folder and it will have the behavior calendar on the “Return to School” side.  I will fill the “Keep at Home” side with your child’s classwork and crafts from the week.  This will only be once per week.  Please take those items out of the “Keep at Home” side and look at them whenever you have the opportunity. 



S is for…  Surprises

Students earn surprises from the classroom treasure box for their good days and good choices. Students will get a chance to select a surprise from the treasure box once their sticker board has reached 20 stickers. 


T is for…  Teacher

That’s me!  My name is Heidi Luong and I will be your child’s teacher this year.  This is my 21st year teaching.  Carrollton Elementary is a wonderful school and I very happy to be working here.  I am happily married and have two children of my own that also attend the Isle of Wight public schools.   I was born in Virginia, but have lived in many different places since my father was in the Navy (retired now!). I love to teach and spend time with my family.  In my free time I love to read.  I look forward to working with you this year to help your child succeed.  I am confident that we can work as a team! 



U is for…  Unfinished work

Particularly at the beginning of the year, there will be lots of work that comes home unfinished.  If you are able to, please review the work with your child and help him/her finish it at home.  If you want, you can send it back to school after completion. 


V is for…  VALLSS

Carrollton students’ literacy skills are assessed 3 times a year using the University of Virginia’s PALS (Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System).  Your child will be tested in the Fall, Mid-Year and Spring.  This assessment provides us with information about your child’s pre-reading skills.  We can then monitor their scores throughout the year to ensure that we are doing everything possible so that they will make a full years’ worth of growth in reading. 


W is for…  Water

Students can bring in their own water bottle or use the water fountain in the classroom or hallways.  If your child needs to refill their water bottle, then we have water refill stations throughout the building for them to use.  Hydrated students retain knowledge more easily and are more focused and able to concentrate.


X is for…  entrance and eXit

Any time you visit the school, you must enter and exit through the main doors and you MUST visit the office to sign in and receive a visitors’ sticker.  They will need to see your identification.  Thank you for keeping our school safe!


Y is for…  You

You are the most important person in your child’s life and in his education.  Don’t ever underestimate your importance.  Thank you for sharing your precious child with me this year. 


Z is for…  Zzzzzs

Kindergarten students need lots of sleep.  Please make sure your child goes to bed early enough that he will feel refreshed and ready for school in the morning. We no longer have a rest time built into our kindergarten schedule.

CAES Info.

  Carrollton Elementary School   Address: 14440 New Towne Haven Ln Carrollton Carrollton, VA 23314   Phone: (757) 357-8850   Fax: (757) 238-...